Our Fees


Viewpoint Optical has recently switched to a mixed billing model. Whilst we have done our best to continue providing bulk billing services, recent changes with interest rates, recruitment challenges, new technology, and rapid inflation has caused a great challenge for our practice to be strive. With an aim to continue to provide top quality service and serve our community, we have chosen to move forward onto a mixed billing model.

Got any questions? Feel free to call us at (02) 8021 2298 or ask us in-store.

Quality service above everything

Eye examinations in the past have mainly been about having your prescription checked. However, the rapid advancements in technology has brought about big changes in the optometry field, namely the retinal photography (essential for diagnosing glaucoma and age-related macula degeneration) and visual fields screening (for overall peripheral vision checking). 

Standard Eye Test + Retinal Photography + Visual Field Screening

This includes the standard eye test that is bulk billed for eligible Medicare card holders. It involves identifying everyday issues with your vision and includes professional advice on your basic eye health. The package also includes Retinal Photography and Visual Field Screening, both of which are important tools that help optometrists detect serious eye conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma and changes associated with diabetes and high blood pressure.

We believe in providing the best possible care for your eyes and unfortunately, Medicare rebates cannot keep up with the technological advancements in eyecare. Retinal photography gives us a much broader view of the retina and visual fields screenings rules out any possible peripheral vision issues. This is just like going to see your GP for a general health check and being asked to do a blood test, the difference being; Medicare rebates for eye examinations has not kept up with the times. That is why we charge minimal gap payments for these extra tests.

Of course! For all centrelink concession card holders and kids below 18, we’ll do the additional tests free of charge, although naturally there won’t be a voucher in the end. Naturally.

 You can definitely have your prescription tested but that really isn’t the complete story. Big optometry chain stores do a quick 5 minute check-up in order to sell you glasses, however, there’s countless times when customers come in asking for a quick test and we end up finding glaucoma or macula degeneration or even cancer! That is why we no longer feel comfortable with doing just a basic eye test and bypassing the time for a quality eye test.

Bulk Billing available for consults with glasses ordered on the day of.

Comprehensive Consultation (30 mins. or under)

$100 (Gap fee can vary from $40-$70)

Short Consultation (15 mins. or under)

$55  (Gap fee $25)

Comprehensive Contact Lens Consultation (New wearer)

$150 (Contact us or Medicare to find out if you are eligible for Bulk Billing)

Short Contact Lens Consultation (15 mins or less)

$60  (Contact us or Medicare to find out if you are eligible for Bulk Billing)

Myopia Control (Yearly fee)

$400 (Ask in-store for more details)

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