Health awareness

Heard of Ortho-K?

Glasses, contact lenses…we understand they can be a little inconvenient sometimes. So what if there was another option? Ortho-K, or Orthokeratology, allows for vision correction to happen while you sleep. It’s basically a contact lens you wear during the night (don’t worry- these lenses are designed for you to sleep in- unlike regular contact lenses), […]

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Children’s vision; when should they have their eyes tested?

Throughout my years of being an optometrist, one of the most common questions I get asked by parents is “when should I have my child’s eyes tested?”. Children’s vision is particularly vulnerable to eye problems and the one thing optometrists are particularly concerned about is the risk of amblyopia, or more commonly known as lazy

Children’s vision; when should they have their eyes tested? Read More »

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