Why Oakley?

Oakley eyewear is a brand that I’m sure many of you have heard of, especially sporting enthusiasts. Whenever you speak of Oakleys, the words modern, sporty, cool and durable comes to mind. And indeed, Oakley is one of the brands alot of our patients try on first. One of my very first sunglasses and also ophthalmic glasses are Oakleys and I still have them today!

Now Oakley prescription sunglasses are not the cheapest around, starting from $450 upwards, but they are definitely worth the value. Here’s a few reasons as to why they cost so much

  • Oakley prescription lenses have extremely high impact resistance. They are said to withstand a small mass high velocity projectile and also a high mass normal speed object without the lenses shattering. Check this out yourself! On another note, Oakley sunglasses are designed to still be on your head and not fall off should there be an impact!
  • Oakley lenses also have a feature called HDO, or what they call high definition optics. Basically, in simple terms, looking through the lenses will not distort your vision, whether by displacing the image or magnifying the image.
  • And lastly, unique to Oakley, their newest technology is called Oakley True Digital Edge. For those of you who have high prescriptions, there is a range of sunglasses that can fit your prescription AND not have your lenses looking like coke bottles!

These are only a few of the reasons why Oakley prescription is one of the best brands in the industry. From my experience, we’re never looking for the “cheapest” brands out there, but the “best value for money”. If thats what you’re after, come in and check out the range of Oakley eyewear and sunglass we have in store now!

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